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HOW TO HAVE A STATEMENT -- An Art World Seminar with David Gibson

Next meetings: Sundays, July 19 & 26, from 12 to 3 PM

Since the beginning of my curatorial career I have encountered artists who have struggled with, and even actively resisted, the practice of writing a statement to accompany their work. With my new seminar I hope to successfully address that concern, and work through the issues related to it, helping you to address the theoretical and operational aspects of your creative process and discovering how to address them in language that allows others, from the gallery visitor, to the curator, to the museum director, to relate to what you make in terms they can immediately comprehend and enjoy. Please join me in my home, in a casual setting, to discuss and find the answers to the quandary of having a statement. 

These will be small groups of no more than 5 people, and aside from the general topic of discussion, I hope that each person will be able to discuss their own work in the context of the seminar theme. The fee for the seminar meeting of 3 hours is $75. I have also had a huge request for one-on-one art world consulting. Please inquire via email regarding my schedule and rates. I am offering a one-day rate for the summer only.


David Gibson


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